Posts Tagged ‘book’

The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr Morris Lessmore

June 1, 2011

This site contains a preview of the iPod app version of the award-winning short film The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr Morris Lessmore. TOTD hasn’t seen the app itself, but it looks like an interesting blurring of the line between animated film and story book.

Book Wallpaper

February 24, 2011

Yesterday TOTD featured some amazing celebrity libraries, but what to do if you can’t afford such luxury. Answer: Book Wallpaper!

Fool your friends with some of these fab wallpapers, TOTD particularly likes the last one.

Forgotten Books

January 26, 2011

If you’re short of something to read or just want to expand your reading repertoire and explore subjects you might not have considered before, take a look at Forgotten Books which publishes PDFs of, well, forgotten books.
You can even sign up for a daily email linking to a free copy of one of their hi resolution copies.

Story Book England

January 10, 2011

This nice site was produced by the team at Enjoy England and features an interactive map that allows you to explore some of the places associated with works of children’s fiction. You can locate books by title or author and it comes with a downloadable teacher’s pack.

Ladybird Fly Away Home

June 21, 2010

While looking for possible sites in celebration of National Insect Week, TOTD came across this site dedicated to old Ladybird books. It simply brought back fond memories of Tootles the Taxi and Shopping with Mother. The spoof section is quite amusing.


May 24, 2010

MISSION:EXPLORE is a book created by The Geography Collective that is full of exciting adventures designed to encourage young people to get out and about and explore the social and physical environment around them.

This video demonstrates just how literally you can interpret the concept of a book launch.

You can visit the MISSION:EXPLORE site here


January 5, 2010

I expect that most of us have owned, or possibly tried to make, a flip book at some stage in our lives. Here’s a searchable, if not very browsable, database of 5680 flip books. Look in the History, Typology and and Viewers sections for some nice video clips. DIY enthusiasts will enjoy 7 1/2″, Julia Featheringill’s flip book showing an extending tape measure!